

Wewelsburg Germany
When you travel on the A44 highway between Dortmund and Kassel, you will stump upon a sign in German “Wewelsburg - the only triangular castle in Germany”. This innocent statement is true. But also true are a lot of other issues related to this “special” place. Want to know more? Read further...
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Meissen, Saxony
Saxony is one of the most beautiful parts of Germany. It is rich in cultural and historic heritage, unique landscapes and great nature. Unlike Bavaria, it is usually avoided by foreign tourists, which is in our opinion, a big shame. Let us show you a few Saxon gems about which we will be writing about...
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Bergen an der Dumme
As we live in Belgium, we travel regularly to Germany via Poland, but unlike many, we do not treat Germany as a racing track, but as a country that offers a huge number of very interesting and sometimes little known places to visit. Each time we go to Poland we use a slightly different route...
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As I am a history freak, let’s start with a bit of history of Corvey. Emperor Charlemagne fought against the Saxon tribes for over 30 years. Once these fights were over and he was victorious, he decided it was high time to Christianise the pagan Saxons and bring the light of civilisation to them.
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Festive time in Strasbourg, Christmas, Alsace, Winter
Visiting Christmas fairs and winter markets has been a part of our annual December landscape. This year we  decided to travel to Poland by plane so we didn’t have an occasion to visit any in Germany or France. And, I have to admit, we miss it… However, we enjoyed a fairy tale evening in Brussels...
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